We are so thankful to you for your consideration in partnering with us in this journey. We see ourselves as an extension of YOU out in the world! Although we will still be stateside in this phase of training, we are beginning our journey towards reaching a tribe. We have been praying for people who would like to come along side us through this journey both prayerfully and financially. There is such a wonderful opportunity of partnership together, and we hope that through this partnership, God's word can reach a specific tribe somewhere!
To get to the field of Papua New Guinea, we need to have raised at least 75% of the recommended support. Our goal is to raise the full 100% so that we can focus completely on church planting!
In order for us to be good stewards of our finances, we would ask that you please fill out this form so we can keep track of our support:
Google Docs Form
“Electronic funds transfer (EFT) is the easiest, most efficient and cost-effective way for you to partner financially with an Ethnos360 missionary or to make other recurring contributions.”
To set this up, follow this link: https://ethnos360.org/give/eft
You can give online!
Simply visit: https://ethnos360.org/missionaries/jacob-and-katie-devalve-1
Gifts can be set via mail to:
You can call the Ethnos360 HQ finance office directly and donate to our account by credit card. Here is the phone number:
1-866-547-2460 extension 1245.
*If you ever have any issues, please call the Ethnos360 finance office with question using the number above. You can also click here to contact them:
You may write a check to Trinity Covenant Church and mark it for NTM or Ethnos360. Please do not write our names on the check as that can interfere with the tax-dectable status. The check will then be deposited into our account through Trinity.
If you are mailing a check to Trinity, the address is: